Felices vacaciones!! Disfrutar muchísimo, buena lectura, largos paseos, limonada fresquita y muchas risas. Ya tengo el libro elegido, te mando un correo y te cuento. A la vuelta o cuando puedas ya me dices, no hay prisa.
Hola: he descubierto tu blog por casualidad y he encontrado ideas geniales me encanta!! Un saludo, ya tienes una nueva seguidora y te invito a visitar mi blog "laclasedemiren.blogspot.com"
I am answering a question you had on my blog this morning. You are no reply so I didn't have your email to reply back to you. The tutorial for the butterfly block is going to be in my newsletter on the 15th if you sign up for it on the right side of my blog then you will get it when it comes out. There isn't a tutorial for the pillow it is my design based on a traditional Winding Ways quilt block. Where it is says "here" is a link to Red Pepper Quilts who made a butterfly quilt with the more difficult block.
Disfrutau molt!!
ResponEliminaBones vacances!!!!
ResponElimina¡A disfrutar muchíiiiiiiiiiiisimo!
ResponEliminaQue vagin molt bé les vacances guapa i a disfrutar!!!!
Feliz verano!! Que dibujo tan chulo!!!
ResponElimina¡¡Feliz descanso!! Que las disfrutes con tus seres queridos. Un abrazo desde aula de infantil.
ResponEliminaMolt però que molt bones vacances inspiradores! Una forta abraçada!
ResponEliminaBones vacances, guapa!!! Ens veiem a la tornada!
ResponEliminaA vosotros!!! A disfrutar!
ResponEliminaFelices vacaciones!! Disfrutar muchísimo, buena lectura, largos paseos, limonada fresquita y muchas risas. Ya tengo el libro elegido, te mando un correo y te cuento. A la vuelta o cuando puedas ya me dices, no hay prisa.
Pasadlo bien. un beso.
ResponEliminaMuchas gracias por pasar a vernos y dejar vuestro comentario! Hasta pronto:)
ResponEliminaHola: he descubierto tu blog por casualidad y he encontrado ideas geniales me encanta!! Un saludo, ya tienes una nueva seguidora y te invito a visitar mi blog "laclasedemiren.blogspot.com"
ResponEliminaMolt bones vacances Marisol! Una forta abraçada estiuenca!
ResponEliminaI am answering a question you had on my blog this morning. You are no reply so I didn't have your email to reply back to you. The tutorial for the butterfly block is going to be in my newsletter on the 15th if you sign up for it on the right side of my blog then you will get it when it comes out. There isn't a tutorial for the pillow it is my design based on a traditional Winding Ways quilt block. Where it is says "here" is a link to Red Pepper Quilts who made a butterfly quilt with the more difficult block.